What is a Certified Content Marketing Specialist?

What is a content marketing specialist you may ask? How can you get certified, and what does that certification really mean? Well in this blog post we are aiming to tell you just that, as well as why this new certification takes our business to the next level!

Let's first discuss what a content marketing specialist really is. Simply put, a marketing specialist is someone who works with a business to create digital content which in turn drives awareness, trust, communication, and most importantly to any business, sales. This is the person who controls your social media accounts, your newsletter, and or your website in order to stay in constant contact with customers, updating them about events, sales, and general news in order to keep them invested in your business. 

Now let's talk about certification, what it does, and why it matters. Becoming a certified content marketing specialist is done by completing a course which either teaches or confirms prior knowledge of many different marketing tactics and strategies as well as having a final test to measure your ability to demonstrate that knowledge and use it effectively for real-world business. Some of these include mastering article construction to target the interests of your readers and direct them towards your content, how to optimize the search engine to work for you, how to create engaging posts that spur customer involvement, as well as crafting the perfect newsletter and many other marketing strategies. All of these techniques, as well as the many more that the course offers, allows this content marketing specialist to be certified in tactics that allow them to get your customers and potential customers to subscribe to your call to action. 

This call to action is the ultimate goal for any business marketing plan and essentially turns your customers into what we like to call "business advocates". These are people who actively promote your business for you, whether it be by constantly commenting, liking, sharing with friends, family, or on their social media accounts, turning your marketing into an endless domino effect. Your content initiates business advocates to promote your content for you, which creates even more business advocates to promote your content even more, which means your business is constantly extending its reach. All of this can be done through strategies employed by a certified content marketing specialist.

Now that we have explained the job description and why it is so important to your business we would like to proudly announce that Grow a Local Business is now certified in exactly that. We can now target and traffic your customers and prospects like never before, allowing business growth and success to reach a new level with our help.

Subscribe to our call to action by joining our newsletter to get more content marketing tips and strategies for free at www.growalocalbusiness.com.
